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Get Help for Relationship Violence, Abuse & Rape

SPEAK TO SOMEONE 999 - The 999 is a confidential 24 hour helpline that is available toll free on the SPTC, MTN networks throughout Swaziland. This helpline provides support services and links on all crime and health issues. This line is run under The Royal Swaziland Police. 8500 – Swaziland U-Report SMS platform under UNICEF. This a text facility platform that let you ask questions and get answers via text. To become a U-reporter you need to type “join” and send it to 8500. 9664 – Childline under the Ministry of Education and Training. 95 – For abuse and violence contact the helpline under SWAGAA. 977 – for all health emergencies and you can get a list of all your nearst facilities.

SPEAK TO SOMEONE There is a Domestic Violence Unit at every police station. They are there to help you. Find a responsible adult you trust: Try your church pastor or layman, health care worker, school guidance and counselling clubs, a teacher or family member and teen clubs attached at health facilities.

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