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Do you have questions on love, sex and relationships?

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Lucky B

A lot of woman especially the adolescents are not prepared to have kids but still they engage in sexually intercourse and at the end of the day they pin the blame on the male partners as if they are the only ones who are expected to do something to mitigate early pregnancy so the main question here is what is it that young females are doing to ensure that least unintended pregnancies occurs since they don't use the family methods put in place for them ?

4 years, 8 months Ago Report

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When u use Contraceptives doesn't mean u can't use condom to protect yourself on STIs ad it's also help u to get unwanted kids

6 years, 6 months Ago Report

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Contraceptives are good because you cant produce un wanted kids that promote poverty in our developing country.Thus teenagers can attain their gools in life without being hinderd by babies that are at times fatherless.

6 years, 8 months Ago Report

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Am ready

6 years, 9 months Ago Report

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Not do sex when u are not getting married

6 years, 9 months Ago Report

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It has been the course of lack of money. In our community, batitfola bamitsi ngekuts bebafuna imali. Akusiko lokuhle kukuhlukubeteka ngobe liningi labo ngulaba labete batali. Lokubi kuts bese abasanakwa

6 years, 9 months Ago Report

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Type your comment here... I personal use a condom because its safe for me...and its prevents pregnancy, HIV and STIs which is good and healthy for me

7 years, 5 months Ago Report

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