The problem with society is judging ppl without finding any core roots. This girls behaviour is a resuLtd what a world has become, so much to say she has low self esteem when lots have given up on love.
Dating someone u love is not a crime, having unprotected sex yet not married is another story and getting STIs, HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases is a fatal
The problem with society is judging ppl without finding any core roots. This girls behaviour is a resuLtd what a world has become, so much to say she has low self esteem when lots have given up on love.
5 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
Dating someone u love is not a crime, having unprotected sex yet not married is another story and getting STIs, HIV and other sexual transmitted diseases is a fatal
6 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
You don't have to blame anyone. It was ur choice.
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...hellow yes i like it
6 years, 12 months Ago ReportRecent Replies