I hav a boy frnd by the name Samkelo, i love him very mch, when we started dating he was so mch loving n caring in a way that I even thought he can die for me by his doings...a month later ma best frnd took ma 4n with her went out wth her boy frnd for a night sleep over....so ma bf happened to call me bt maf frnd couldn't tell hm dt ma 4n was n't wth me....so he thought i did a sleepover wth anada bf...i tried explaining everything to him...he acted as if he understand what I was telling him and he accepted ma apology But he said i broke his trust over me.....so i have to regain it.......now he's acting strange....we communicate bt am d one who calls hm........plz help me guys...what more can I do coz i don't want to lose him
I hav a boy frnd by the name Samkelo, i love him very mch, when we started dating he was so mch loving n caring in a way that I even thought he can die for me by his doings...a month later ma best frnd took ma 4n with her went out wth her boy frnd for a night sleep over....so ma bf happened to call me bt maf frnd couldn't tell hm dt ma 4n was n't wth me....so he thought i did a sleepover wth anada bf...i tried explaining everything to him...he acted as if he understand what I was telling him and he accepted ma apology But he said i broke his trust over me.....so i have to regain it.......now he's acting strange....we communicate bt am d one who calls hm........plz help me guys...what more can I do coz i don't want to lose him
7 years, 4 months Ago ReportRecent Replies