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After the first dates, girls start not to reply on our text messages and make excuses when we want to meet with them. This is because they don't really love you but they just wanted you to take them out. So it is a good idea to stop texting them and just move on.

2 years, 9 months Ago Report

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In some cases,the reason why girls don't reply to our text messages and make excuses

2 years, 9 months Ago Report

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I agree with that. Dating is whereby you get to know, 'each other better'. i think the problem with society is how it keeps 'educating' men on how to do things that make her, 'happy'. That they should, just like you have mentioned above talk about their feelings. But isn't getting to know each other better a two way stream. Just as i get out my way to connect with you should you not be doing the same. If i am a type of guy you does not like talking about their truest emotions. That is the kind of person i am. Getting to know each other better is knowing each others true side. Not adapting to a side that pleases a certain gender. That is my perspective on this.

6 years Ago Report

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@Dr Thulebona

ladies are special, that's why we say "beautiful" to them... love her and d rest will happen...lol!!!

6 years, 3 months Ago Report

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really what do ladies ever want

6 years, 3 months Ago Report

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Why does the question not be, 'what do ladies ever want?', 'but, ' what do i want out of the relationship with the one i am with?'. It's like asking what the world wants. The world has a huge population. Consisting of people from different, continents, countries, cities, religions, backgrounds. Finding out what each one wants as a whole is similar to looking for a needle in the river Nile.

6 years Ago Report


U have been ready

6 years, 6 months Ago Report

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U can make are plan and think befor doing it

6 years, 6 months Ago Report

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Girls are hard to understand. At times we end up taking the blame for their actions.

6 years, 7 months Ago Report

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during a first date, it is wise and good not to try to be someone that you think your partner might like bit be yourself so that she loves the real you.

6 years, 8 months Ago Report

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I couldn't agree more.

6 years Ago Report
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