Hello fellow user,The truth is that teenagers should abstain. Then if they fail they can use any Family Planning commodity to prevent pregnancy, a condom is one of them. Benefits of using it is that its protect you from pregnancy and from sexually transmitted infections.
6 years Ago
@Dr Thulebona
@Wendy... its good to be a mother but at the right time not while u still at school or unemployed
Both of them should equally take responsibility for their action of engaging in sexual intercourse. Young people should know that every action has its consequences.
@Lutius... sorry abt your friends, maybe one day it will be a lesson for them... a agree that boys should be responsible for actions, nasowati kutsi wonile... take care of the girl n unborn child
This scenario is personal to me because most of my friends have children now and their lives hasn't changed a bit, they still drink and party with ease and their girlfriends (headaches with kids) as they call them are struggling. i try to talk some sense to them and tell them that "guys just because you impregnated a girl doesn't make you a father, it's your child too, why is she pulling by herself now while y'all were thee couple before the pregnancy" i myself wouldn't want my child and girlfriend struggling, we are in this together through thick and thin.
Do teens use a condom for preventing pregnancy or HIV?
6 years, 1 month Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
Hello fellow user,The truth is that teenagers should abstain. Then if they fail they can use any Family Planning commodity to prevent pregnancy, a condom is one of them. Benefits of using it is that its protect you from pregnancy and from sexually transmitted infections.
6 years Ago@Dr Thulebona
@Wendy... its good to be a mother but at the right time not while u still at school or unemployed
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
@Nonduduzo.... that's very true, coz at the end of the day lobhuti bese uyahamba akushiye. better to get married first lapho ke you are safe.. lol
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Very true...
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
no because being pregnant doesn't me you have found the one
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
no because being pregnant doesn't mean u have found the one
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
It's good to be a mother because you have motherhood experiences.
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
I love tuneme, great platform
6 years, 8 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Joseph R Jnr
Both of them should equally take responsibility for their action of engaging in sexual intercourse. Young people should know that every action has its consequences.
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
be bold n brave.... some situations will make u stronger
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...i support u Mr
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
sorry abt yo friends
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
how sad, life Mara...
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
@Lutius... sorry abt your friends, maybe one day it will be a lesson for them... a agree that boys should be responsible for actions, nasowati kutsi wonile... take care of the girl n unborn child
6 years, 9 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
This scenario is personal to me because most of my friends have children now and their lives hasn't changed a bit, they still drink and party with ease and their girlfriends (headaches with kids) as they call them are struggling. i try to talk some sense to them and tell them that "guys just because you impregnated a girl doesn't make you a father, it's your child too, why is she pulling by herself now while y'all were thee couple before the pregnancy" i myself wouldn't want my child and girlfriend struggling, we are in this together through thick and thin.
6 years, 9 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Type your comment here...Good job...
6 years, 9 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
marry her
6 years, 9 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Shud hv used saffer sex !!!!
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Better say 'no', to sex before marriage.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply
Better say 'no', to sex before marriage.
6 years, 9 months Ago Report0 Reply