Dating for more than 6 months without sex is not wrong, it gives you time to know abt the person u say u love.... lokutatatela bekunene kuhambe kube netinkinga. Le's get to know one another nje #cleanFun
The lack of knowledge is a main distractive that perpetrate the risk of getting HIV,
In our days I see like its good and acceptable for our parents especially our mothers to talk mostly about health concerning HIV & AIDS. I think it must be a culture that our parents encourages us to get tested.
It must be much simpler for us as youth the tell our parents abut our health.
In some parent's rule they believe the is no reason for the children to tell them if they are HIV positive because their first action is towards sexual intercourse.
The bad thing is the positive results that we get exposed to due to our bad culture that we practice of having unprotected sexual intercorse yet we don't want to know our HIV status.
This is a very encouraging and very helpful because a lot of children are born with HIV and it is important for the parent to tell their child if he or she has HIV at a appropriate age and not discover this at a later stage
Apologies to your fiance . Your 6 months dating is good , you suppose to condominiums.asenititsandze yebekunene!
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
Dating for more than 6 months without sex is not wrong, it gives you time to know abt the person u say u love.... lokutatatela bekunene kuhambe kube netinkinga. Le's get to know one another nje #cleanFun
6 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
@Dr Thulebona
@MachedaD.... that's very true. most ppl practice unprotected sex which is wrong really... basebagula then sekukhala tsine yet besisho umuntfu angeva
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
The lack of knowledge is a main distractive that perpetrate the risk of getting HIV, In our days I see like its good and acceptable for our parents especially our mothers to talk mostly about health concerning HIV & AIDS. I think it must be a culture that our parents encourages us to get tested. It must be much simpler for us as youth the tell our parents abut our health. In some parent's rule they believe the is no reason for the children to tell them if they are HIV positive because their first action is towards sexual intercourse. The bad thing is the positive results that we get exposed to due to our bad culture that we practice of having unprotected sexual intercorse yet we don't want to know our HIV status. LET'S TAKE ACTION FOR OUR LIFES, IT IS IMPORTANT, KNOWLEDGE IS KEY
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Condoms are there for your girl . Why don't yoyou condominiums
6 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
At first they supposed to condominiums
6 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
Most teenagers are being abused by their relatives
6 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
@Dr Thulebona
@Xente45.... I agree with u on the #faithful part.
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
It's really important to be faithful.....thanks to the HIV+ girl who didn't infect her boyfriend
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Turns out adults always right
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Turns adults know better
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
I agree with you. Thank you for sharing
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
How can i have wth an ifictected person
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
6 years, 6 months Ago Report0 Reply
Just join tuneme
6 years, 6 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
@Dr Thulebona
same thing as some will test for HIV once a year.... u can't test once a year, never!!
6 years, 7 months Ago ReportRecent Replies
@Dr Thulebona
some people will say "I smoke occasionally" but to me it's the same thing.. they r smoking at the end of the day
6 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
Type your comment here...agree
6 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
@Tamia... I agree with u.. think of it telling a 10 yr old he/she is HIV, that will just destroy d child
6 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
This is a very encouraging and very helpful because a lot of children are born with HIV and it is important for the parent to tell their child if he or she has HIV at a appropriate age and not discover this at a later stage
6 years, 7 months Ago ReportRecent Replies