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It was a taboo recently, but nowadays we have embraced HIV with love and dignity. Being positive doesn't mean its the end of humanity. We now have proper counseling structures and medications 💊.

2 years, 9 months Ago Report

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It is true HIV/ AIDs is not a death sentence if you are willing to sustain your life by taking the right diet, medication, precautions, e.t.c but i feel that sometimes it is difficult to be open to people about it. There is still stigma towards it, whether people openly say it or inwardly stigmatise those who have it, it is still a stigma. We know that we are taught that from an early age in school that it is not contracted sexually only. But when we hear that someone has HIV we think of one word, sex! I imagine the difficulty of people who have HIV/ AIDS having to tell their partners that they have the virus. It is not easy to accept. One thinks about the protection they have to ensure during sex or when having a baby(if they consider having a family). I believe we tend to know facts about AIDS and it not being the end of one's life but question is. Will you easily date or yet marry a person with AIDS? will you truly accept them? Be honest.....

6 years, 3 months Ago Report

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being hiv positive does not mean the end of life but it means a long life to those who will accept their selves and never mind what other people say about them!

6 years, 5 months Ago Report

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To be HIV positive akusho kutsi wena awusasiko mcokwa yiba yi Victim Tjela naba lebasabako kutsi bayo checker babone kubalulekile kutsi wati yo status

6 years, 9 months Ago Report

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