You are absolutely right! Consent is so important. And it is also important that you know for yourself what you want or don't want and can communicate this to others
4 months Ago
Oh.....k i can say asking for a kiss is a good idea bcs in our day if you don't ask she or he will report you as a sexual harassment so asking is the one major thing to me
I agree consent is so important!
4 months, 1 week Ago ReportRecent Replies
Tune Me Moderator
You are absolutely right! Consent is so important. And it is also important that you know for yourself what you want or don't want and can communicate this to others
4 months AgoNicky#78
Oh.....k i can say asking for a kiss is a good idea bcs in our day if you don't ask she or he will report you as a sexual harassment so asking is the one major thing to me
1 year, 1 month Ago Report0 Reply
Mmmm😂😂😂kiss it change feelings
2 years, 7 months Ago Report0 Reply
@Dr Thulebona
kiss? mmmmmh... I think u can ask for it but better if u know d person better because he/she can freak out. a kiss can change feelings
6 years, 2 months Ago ReportRecent Replies