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Facebook envy is there in today's world, I mean we are all battling for the likes after all and I was once a victim until I turned into reality, that is when I realized that I live a better life than them,,, I mean they are always on their phones, I'm always with my family, they spend huge on data nd I don't... My advice to anyone who's experiencing Facebook envy is that they should focus on living their lives than competing for likes and fake smiles on FB while they are sad in reality

10 months, 1 week Ago Report

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Tsatsa ngazutsi uyatsengisa mine

10 months, 2 weeks Ago Report

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Yes I like the way

11 months, 1 week Ago Report

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I can take her as a player since we have got more than 100 friends

11 months, 2 weeks Ago Report

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I've seen people who fake life, when the truth comes out... it kills them, sometimes we don't accept who we are. I usually say "telling d truth is always right"

5 years, 3 months Ago Report

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Tune Me Moderator

Fellow, user. That is correct, as young people we want to appear with a wrong image in the face of our friends. We can project all we want out into the world and make others responsible for us and for what happens to us, especially our failures. Or we can choose to take responsibility for ourselves and for what happens to us — especially our successes. Deep change often has to take root before we can live up to the potential that resides inside us. On a positive note, here are some steps to help you identify what you believe to be true about yourself in order to help you get back on track with who you feel you really are: 1. Make a list of 20 things about yourself that you know in your heart to be true. What determines the truth of these characteristics/traits to you? 2. Make a list of 20 things others believe to be true about you, but which you know are not accurate. Why have these characteristics/traits been reinforced? How do you effect a course correction with those things that you feel don’t accurately fit you, or are core negative beliefs? 3. Do you feel successful in your relationships? Do you feel you can be yourself in your relationships with a significant other, friends, and family? Do you fear expressing your needs and desires? Do you worry that your feelings, behavior, and actions are truly understood and appreciated? Do you feel frustrated that your relationships don’t seem to work out time and again? Do you worry that significant others will find out who you really are and criticize, judge, and reject you?

5 years, 3 months Ago
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