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KrTC: Dating sweet or sour?

My advice on relationships

Having a good relationship is the result of making good choices. My song Jack & Jill is the story of how it went wrong for a young couple. They don't make it 'up the hill' like in the nursery rhyme because of the bad decisions they make, both individually and as a couple. These land both of them in a situation that could have been easily avoided with a little honesty and trust.

There’s a part that says "I lost sight of my lady/ I called another baby/ I started acting shady".

I may have been guilty of that as well at times in my life! It can happen that you get to a point where you get so used to your partner’s awesomeness, you start looking for the 'next thrill' losing sight of the fact that you got the 'best thrill' right here with you all day, every day! Relationships are sweet, but in the words of fellow safe sex ambassador DJ Kaliwa: "It's sweet - but it could turn bitter". So take your time before you add sex to a relationship.

Ask questions. Read books. Mentally equip yourself so that you are emotionally and physically prepared. Sexual relationships can be a source of joy and comfort but can just as well be a source of anxiety.

KrTC is an ambassador for the Safeguard Young People safe sex campaign.

His message is clear: Be sure that you are old enough to have sex – then, if it is what you want, make sure it is with a person you want.

Listen to Just Us on the Safeguard Young People website by clicking here (Standard data charges will apply.)


6 comments Log in to comment


I have a problem i'm a virgin and now part of me feels like i should have sex whereas the other part of me is saying the opposite. Usually when i am with my boyfriend i feel like having sex with him but i would just hold myself. When i'm alone sometimes i feel like no i'm not ready maybe i should wait. I have been to several relationships and the guy would just dump me simply because i dont want to have sex with him. This thing has gone too far now, i don't want to be moving from one guy to another. What should i do? I am scared that if i don't have sex with the guy i am with he might do the same dump me.

4 years, 11 months Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

Dear User, firstly TuneMe would like to congratulate you for keeping your virginity up-to this fur. Abstaining from sex have a wide range of benefits. that could include that you don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, Although there are many very highly effective methods of birth control available today, the only 100% absolute, most certain way to not get pregnant is to not have sex.Again, You’re less likely to get a urinary tract infection: Naturally, not having sex is going to drastically reduce your chances of getting a sexually transmitted infection, but abstaining from sex also makes it less likely that you’ll get a urinary tract infection. So we encourage you to abstain till you fill that it is the right time (especial after marriage). Once again, sex doesn't mean love, So if one break up with you because you do not have sex with him its cool because you have nothing to loose.

4 years, 10 months Ago


I never enjoy sex...Wat cn i do to enjoy

6 years, 3 months Ago Report

Recent Replies

Tune Me Moderator

Dear user for you to enjoy sex you need to be sure that you are old enough to have sex – then, if it is what you want, make sure it is with a person you want.So just wait for the right time.

6 years, 2 months Ago
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