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What is Good Love?

Things You'll Feel if Your Relationship is Working!

In a good, loving relationship you will notice these things:

It may take a few relationships before you find one that is healthy and happy. You may have to learn what to look out for in a boyfriend or girlfriend, and what you like and don’t like. But it is worth waiting for a relationship that is based on love, respect and mutual protection.


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Lucia mantini


5 years, 9 months Ago Report

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Some of the things that makes a relationship last, is to share ideas with your pathner, talk about your sex life, actual an open relationship is a good one & it can last longer

5 years, 9 months Ago Report

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Tune Me Moderator

True, for him or her to understand you better you need to voice out your opinions and issues.

5 years, 8 months Ago
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