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Do Some People Make You Feel Afraid?

You May Be the Victim of a Bully

Is someone making you feel scared? It could be a person at school, a sibling, a teacher or an older friend?

How do you know if you’re being bullied or just having a bad time?

If the bully is an adult - even your teacher, parent or caregiver, it is a serious problem. This is abuse. If you are a minor, it is child abuse. It is against the law.

Need to speak to someone? Call the free 9664 helpline under Ministry of Education and Training 95 helpline under SWAGAA. Want to learn more? Read below.


4 comments Log in to comment


There is a girl living with her baby dady ,I think she have no one back at home and I think she is being controlled by the boy because she sometimes talk a little and you can see that something is wrong

2 years, 8 months Ago Report

0 Reply


I think teachers who bullying children at school the need to take strong punishment so dat the wnt do it again

6 years, 6 months Ago Report

0 Reply

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