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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

NewGirl - The First Time

I waited a long time

My name is Nontobeko from Lavudlamanti, I waited a long time before going all the way. I had been dating my then boyfriend for six months. It was a few weeks after my 21st birthday that we decided to have sex for the first time. He was more experienced than me.

I was nervous. I didn't know how the condom was supposed to go on, how I was supposed to look, sound or react. I had been physical with him and others before. But deciding to go all the way was harder than I expected.

When you’re used to holding back, it's suddenly quite difficult to let go. But he was gentle and careful and made sure that I was relaxed and enjoying myself all the way.

Is 21 a good age to finally do it? I’m not sure what the right age is. I’m just happy I waited until it felt right for me and I was sure I was ready.

I was ready for the challenges of sexual intimacy. I felt mature enough to deal with any consequences.

I'm all for waiting until you're a little bit older before sharing so much with someone. Besides, it makes the exciting time of tingling nerves and electric chemistry last that much longer!

Waiting to have sex means you get to know your guy to make sure he's right for you. The law wants you to wait until you’re 16. But even if you’re 20, only ever do it when it feels right. If you have a solid relationship before you start a sexual relationship, it will be easier to talk about how to keep you both safe. Hey! Sex has to feel good before, during, after and thereafter. If does not it is wrong.


5 comments Log in to comment


It's a good thing to wait for at least 6months to engage in sex, because you have enough time to know your partner.

1 year, 9 months Ago Report

0 Reply


Kahle kahle doing sex is someone's choice

3 years, 2 months Ago Report

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