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What is Incest?

Awkward Questions Answered

Incest is any sexual activity between family members or close relatives. It is a social taboo and usually illegal to have sex, or any sexual contact at all, with any member of your own family.

Who’s off limits?
A person is regarded as family if they have a close blood relationship to you such as your father, mother, brothers or sisters, children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, grandparents, uncles and aunts. It may also include adopted siblings.

Why’s it illegal? There are a number of reasons why incest is illegal. One reason is that incest often goes hand in hand with sexual abuse. This is because incest most often happens when an older person has sex with a child within a family. Because they’re older, they may be able to manipulate the child into doing sexual things without actually having to use physical force. If one of the people involved is under 16, the crime is both incest and rape (or defilement) as it is illegal to have sex with anyone under 16. Some other reasons incest is illegal are that it often involves an abuse of power and is done without consent and any resulting children may have genetic problems. It may also be against religious values.

If any adult in your family (or any other adult for that matter) is touching you in a way that is sexual, it is illegal and you need to get help. Tell an adult who can help, report them at the police station 999, or call 9664 - the Child line under MOET, 95 SWAGAA.


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Incest is bad practice in society and should be punishable by law

5 months, 3 weeks Ago Report

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