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MyStory: A broken heart

Is there a fix?

I met a girl and fell deeply in love with her on the same day. But I had to wait for two years before we started dating. Finally, we were a couple!

I promised her that I would never break her heart. I loved her so much that I thought I wouldn’t survive if she left me.

But just a few weeks ago she said she wanted to chat. It was a few days before my birthday. She told me that she was in love with my friend and broke up with me.

My heart feels as if it has been torn into a thousand tiny pieces.

But I am stuck on her. I love her and she’s the only girl I’ve ever loved. I can’t move on.

I don’t understand how this has happened to me. I respected her. I told her the truth and was always there for her. And she still left me for my friend. How can I get through this pain?

Dating can be heart-breaking and being dumped is an awful feeling. Do you have any advice for this Tune Me reader on how to cope with his hurt?

This story was written by a Tune Me community member.


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I hav a boy frnd by the name Samkelo, i love him very mch, when we started dating he was so mch loving n caring in a way that I even thought he can die for me by his doings...a month later ma best frnd took ma 4n with her went out wth her boy frnd for a night sleep over....so ma bf happened to call me bt maf frnd couldn't tell hm dt ma 4n was n't wth me....so he thought i did a sleepover wth anada bf...i tried explaining everything to him...he acted as if he understand what I was telling him and he accepted ma apology But he said i broke his trust over me.....so i have to regain it.......now he's acting strange....we communicate bt am d one who calls hm........plz help me guys...what more can I do coz i don't want to lose him

7 years, 4 months Ago Report

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