All my life I’ve been a quiet guy. I have friends but kids used to bully me. The only comeback I could come up with was, “please, I am not feeling well." It never helped.
One day I was reading in the library. A guy sat down at my desk. All I was thinking was … oh no, please, don’t let him be one of the bullies.
I looked at him and said, “Please, I am not feeling well."
He started laughing. He looked straight in my eyes and said, "My friend, are you expecting a superhero to come fight for you?”
“When are you going to stop hiding from these bullies and take control of your life?”
Then he said, "When you ask God for money, he will not drop a billion dollars from up above! What God will do is give you an opportunity to earn that money. You have to do the rest." He smiled and moved back to where he was sitting.
Those words changed my life. I now see it is up to me to stand up for myself.
Standing up to bullies takes courage. It helps to have encouragement or advice from someone who believes in you. Sharing a problem always helps!
This story was written by a Tune Me community member.
1 comment Log in to commentMelly
things that changes our lives are direct &indirect. ..visual or oral ...either way if u take it and not throw it through the wind it would be helpful
6 years, 8 months Ago Report0 Reply