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Do you have questions on love, sex and relationships?

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Content appropriate for readers 15 and older

MyStory: Rich, dreamy girl

How can I say no?

She was the girl every guy wanted to be with. She was smart, funny and came from a rich family. My parents couldn’t even manage to give me pocket money.

Many guys didn’t even approach her because they were too scared. I admired her from a distance.

But then something crazy happened. We worked on an assignment together and we became a couple. I could not believe my luck!

After a few dates she wanted to have sex. I agreed without thinking twice. I also had the idea that she may share some money with me if we were in love.

We didn’t last long. When we broke up she started avoiding me. My lucky streak was over. I noticed she dated a lot of guys but I tried to move on with my life.

I heard recently that she has HIV. Apparently she was doing great and managing her condition on ARVs. I was scared but I went to get tested. Negative.

I am writing this story to warn everyone who are desperate for love or money. Always use a condom and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases. The risk is too high!

Having a pretty face does not protect you from HIV! The only way to protect yourself is to use a condom when you have sex.

Want tips to have safer sex and protect yourself from HIV? Read the articles below.

This story was written by a Tune Me community member.


2 comments Log in to comment


We need to know and understand our background, just because our parents can not afford to give us pocket money really doesn't mean that we must do anything just to get it. But at some point it is understandable more aspecial because they say male are week and it's hard for them to say no to girls. Lastly I will encourage young people not to fall for money, we must put ourselves, our health first before everything. Thank you

1 year, 10 months Ago Report

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We need to know and understand our background, just because our parents can not afford to give us pocket money really doesn't mean that we must do afor just to get. But at some point it understandable more aspecial because they say male are week and it's hard for them to say no to girls. Lastly I will encourage young people not to fall for money, we must put ourselves, our health first before everything. Thank you

1 year, 10 months Ago Report

0 Reply

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