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Bad Skin Alert!

Get Help With Pimples and Acne

It’s quite common to start getting pimples and acne when you are going through puberty.

This happens because hormones flood your body and the oil glands underneath your skin create excess oil (sebum).

The sebum mixes with dead skin cells and causes blockages on the surface of the skin, resulting in pimples and acne. And it’s not just your face. You can get pimples and acne on your neck, face, chest, back and shoulders.

You can try making it easier by following these dos and don’ts:

Your skin is going through puberty too and sometimes skin problems can only be managed, not changed. It will settle down when you are older.


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It is very important to have two bath towels one for the face and one for the body, also using different products for the face could damage your skin

1 year, 9 months Ago Report

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