The dating world is rough. Meeting someone new isn’t easy; let alone someone you’re interested in and who’s interested back enough for the two of you to start something. If you are looking, here are some tips to help you along the way:
- Find someone available – No matter how lonely you may feel it simply isn’t worth it to get with someone who’s attached. Whether they’re hung up on a previous lover, undecided about an old flame, or clearly still tangled in a relationship – don’t do it. Otherwise you’ll likely end up in a messy situation that’ll leave you feeling worse than you already do.
- Step out of your comfort zone – Meeting new people means not hanging out in your old circles. You need to be open to checking out new spots and the discomfort that comes with going at it alone. You need to be open and available in order for new opportunities to present themselves. Try a new church, club, sport or a new interest.
- Find someone clean - Dating can come with health hazards. Getting rid of a nasty bug on your privates is no fun. So if you are old enough and ready to have sex, make sure you both take tests to check out you are clean down there. And make sure you condomise every time.
- Communicate – Be straight up about what you want as well as your expectations. There’s a way of doing this without seeming pushy or overbearing. You simply need to be transparent and if you’re not up for games then state it, so at least you’re both clear on where the other is coming from.
- Don’t sell yourself short – Sure a couple of frogs may need to be kissed before you find a prince, but that’s not to say that you should settle and undervalue yourself in your quest for love.
Do you think these tips are helpful? Do you have some of your own to share with us? Tell us below:
10 comments Log in to comment@Dr Thulebona
Get over your past relationship, don't rush to be in love again.... focus!!! find d right person by knowing d qualities u want in him/ her
6 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
Lunga Mvulane
I want a humble guy and God fearing
6 years, 4 months Ago ReportRecent Replies