The art of winning a beautiful woman or a hot guy may be a talent some are born with, but it's also something you can learn.
You don't have to resort to muti or magic - dating experts say anyone can learn how to charm. Studies show that the art of attraction is 10% projection of success, 10% appearance, 10% intelligence and 70% charm.
That means the biggest component of seduction is actually charm and personality rather than looks - and charm is something you can learn over time.
Here are some tips from a dating expert:
- Know how to use touch: Knowing how and where to touch someone can be powerful. For instance, placing your fingertips very briefly on their upper arm can really reinforce a point that you are making. Always use touch on "safe" areas: Arms, shoulders, and hands, nowhere that is too intimate
- Put the spotlight on others: There is nothing worse than someone who hogs the conversation and only talks about themselves. Always give other people the spotlight
- Show enthusiasm: Firstly, being genuinely pleased to see someone always makes them feel good and it says you like and value their company. Secondly make your default outlook in life as one of positivism and enthusiasm.
- Smile: The most obvious and probably the simplest tip is to smile. If you smile, it shows you are non-threatening and probably are a nice person.
Hooking up with someone doesn't have a magic formula. The best bet is to be your own charming self and keep it real. Tell us about your seduction style below.
Getting together with someone and need to find out about birth control? Make sure you don't take it further without protecting yourself and your boo.
1 comment Log in to commentAnonymous
let me begin smiling dou its might not be my talent to hook the best lady of my dream ..hehehe
7 years, 4 months Ago Report0 Reply