Do you believe in setting resolutions at the beginning of every New Year? Well, experts now recommend that you set sexual resolutions to make sure that your love life stays in check for the rest of the year. Not sure where to start? Here are a few for you to try:
1. Know what you want. When you don't know what you want out of a relationship – you could end up jumping into someone’s bed or going from one bed to another. So this year, make sure you think carefully about what you want out of a relationship before you jump into bed with someone new.
2. Wait until you're ready. Sex is not a requirement for dating and if the person you're seeing disagrees, you should think about whether they are someone you really want to be dating. This year, don't let anyone pressure you into having sex when you're not ready.
3. Choose partners wisely. Sex is very intimate and special and your body should be cherished and respected at all times. To make sure this happens, think carefully about who you give access to it and why. Always ask yourself, "Will I regret this tomorrow?"
4. Say what you want. Make a commitment to tell your partner what you want this year. Insist on using protection every time you have sex. Make your motto "No hoodie, no honey!”
Do you have any sexy New Year’s resolutions? What do you want to do different this year than you did last? Share them below.
2 comments Log in to commentNottyqueen
@luazietee sex is compulsory in life, as long as u ar ready, Jesus is always wth us n having sex is not wrong when itsbda ryt tym
7 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply
I want Jesus! sex later Nkosyam.... young ppl, life is to short...
7 years, 3 months Ago Report0 Reply